Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Update on Me!

Yes it is me, Cyndi! Can you believe it? I am sorry that I can not respond to every one of you posts, but there are just too many! I love you all and appreciate you so much! Thank you Jeff, Mom and Jess for keeping the Blog updated!

I am doing better and better every single day. Yesterday was better than today, but after staying in bed most of the day. I feel good this evening and even sat outside for a bit. I am trying not to push it when I do feel good, so I don't set my self back. As long as we stay on top of the pain and don't get behind the meds I do pretty well. I went to Dr. Gilham today (My surgeon said I could see him and not go back to Denver for a check up). Everything is healing well, he took the bandages off so the incisions could get some air because I am allergic to the adhesive and have rashes and scabs around each incision. He said that he knows he tells us this everything he sees us, but he really shouldn't have taken the original biopsy's, everything really looked good. Because he did that we caught the cancer so early. I told him it was a miracle and we are so thankful. He said he was thankful too, that he listened to the nudge from above. I cry every time I tell this story. How amazing is our God!?!?! He has preformed so many miracles for us since Aidan's accident in December.

**Side note if you don't know: In December Jeff accidentally dropped Aidan (about 6 ft, in our kitchen). Aidan was flown by helicopter to GJ. Then in the following 2 months Jeff had 2 Grand Mal Seizures and couldn't drive for 3 months.**

And now God has healed me through the amazing talent and wisdom he gave our surgeon. The Montrose PD and all of Jeff's co-workers have so great!

I can not tell you how much each one of you bless us! The out poring of prayers, love, support, food has been overwhelming! No words can tell you how grateful and thankful we are to you! All we can do is pray that God will bless you as much as you have blessed us! I pray that we can help Him to do that!!!! Sweet Dreams!
The picture is of Aidan ready to blog!


Jess.Pollard said...

love you girl. so glad you are feeling better. I really want to see you. You up for a visitor tomorrow? I was hoping you would be at lifegroup...but i totally understand. talk to you in the morning. Maybe if Griff wakes up late we can walk over before his morning nap. what time are you waking up these days?

Sheila said...

Hi Cyndi,

You have been on our minds even though I haven't written to you during your time in Denver. We are very happy that you came through this with such great results. God IS so good and stories like yours continue to remind us. I pray that you continue to improve each day.

Love & miss you!

Dad and Mom Williams said...

I'm missing the three of you so much - I must be honest though. Since the two of you grown up people don't change on a daily/weekly basis, I miss that precious baby boy the most! I got used to seeing him every day and I want those hugs and kisses. I love you. Mom (Suzan)

Naomi said...

It's so good to see you posting.I've been catching up on your blog posts. You have constantly been on my mind the last monthes. I pray that you have a speedy revocery.

Your story is such a testiment of the Great God we serve and I love seeing your heart in it.
