Friday, September 19, 2008

My Last Post!

I am having surgery today (in 7 hours)! I check in at the hospital at 5:45am and surgery is at 7:30am. I am amazingly calm! God has really given me a peace that passes all understanding, not to mention a fantastic support system! My family and friends are so so amazing! I couldn't do this without them! We are blessed! THANK YOU! On Tuesday some great friends helped me clean my house, watch Aidan and then prayed for me. It was so precious! The cleaning helped so much, but the prayer and fellowship were so refreshing. There are hundreds of stories of support, you all take such good care of us! I really am at a loss of words! You all just astound us and bless us so much! There is so much I want to say but don't know where to begin and once I do how would I end!?! So I will just say good night and I love you. I thank Jesus for putting each of you in our lives and what a gift each of you truly are to us! We are praying that our testimony when this is done will change lives and hearts toward Jesus, and I can't ask for more than that! He will take the bad and use it to Glorifly Him and I praise Him for that wonderful fact! Won't it be magnificint to see what He does with this!! I can't wait! How exciting! Thank you for continuing to pray for me, Jeff, Aidan, my family and my Dr's! All my love!


Jodi said...

It's nearly 7:30 and i am praying!!! Addie woke me up at 4:30 so was praying then too! Glad I caught you on facebook last night! Love you and can't wait to hear a report!


Brad and Lezlee Strong said...
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Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

Cyndi! We'll also be thinking and praying for you all day! I hope all goes well and can't wait to see you back here! You are such a wonderful friend and person to everyone that it's no surprise people love you so much!

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers at this very moment. I feel strongly that God will carry you right through this and you'll be stronger on the other side!

Dad and Mom Williams said...

Cyndi Sue, You're in surgery right now (9:40), but you'll read this later. We're out here praying for you honey. I know that God is with you in that room and that He is guiding Dr. Gonzalez hands and giving him eyes to see all that he needs to see. I love you my sweet girl, Your Mamma

Anonymous said...

Isn't God Grand?! I, too, have experienced that peace which passes understanding before a very scary surgery. I knew, that I knew, that I knew I was going to be okay! PTL for His faithfulness and your continued healing, strength, peace and joy!
I am so thankful to have been in touch with your mom "just in time"! Robin Munier

Anonymous said...

Hey Cyndi!
ahhhh I feel so bad, I wanted to come help you clean your house and I totally forgot! My brain is really a mess these days! But at least you had other friends that came to help you out. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do when you guys get back! Like dinner or anything! \Jamie Blackman