Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Please Pray...

Cyndi has had so much pain in her back and also head aches that they decided to take her into the ER. The pain has gotten worse over time and even the pain killers are not decreasing the pain. Everything in the actual surgery area is tolerable/normal discomfort, but it's her lower back that is putting her in agonizing pain. They think it has to do with the epidural site. As of right now the hospital is working on controlling the pain in order to get her in for a MRI. Once they know more, another update will come. For the time being, please pray for her and wisdom for the docs there to know how to handle this situation.


Jodi said...

i have been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing! thanks for the update! I am praying! Sorry you are in pain!

Anonymous said...

We are praying!