Friday, September 26, 2008

Getting out of the hospital!!!

The injections have provided the releif that Cyndi needed. They are going to release her from the hospital today. She showered for the first time, this morning, and is ready to get out of here. The shower pretty much wore her out, so she's resting as I write this. She's going to have to take it easy for a while of course. Please help her to not push it! She likes to do to much to fast! It's good that she has so many around her to help take care of her. I hope that you all know that we (Cyndi, Jeff, Greg and Chris - Jeff's parents and Scott and I) appreciate your love, prayers, and help too.

Last night was a little eventful. Cyndi woke up with her roommate pushing the curtain back and standing at Cyndi's bedside staring at her a
nd talking in coherntly. Oh my goodness. It scared her so bad. Imanaging the picture makes me laugh (seriously, if you could see her roommate you'd laugh too - it's a really funny picture - Cyndi all wide eyed with this scarey woman standing over her), and that may be one of the reasons that Cyndi says that I'm not a good nurse. I truly can't imagine her saying that about me. Rude! She says that I'm a good mom and advocate but not a good nurse - thats why her sweet mom-in-law was here. She took care of the nursing stuff. And Cyndi had the pleasure of two moms taking care of her.

Well, I have to get her ready to go so I'm signing off for now (I doubt she'll ever let me have control of her Blog again so I'll send my love to you all now). Suzan - Cyndi's incredibly thankful to God for His faithfulness, provision, and care, Mom


Jodi said...

Great job, Susan and Jessie! Thanks for keeping us updated!

Oh, how horrible...staring at you! You are cute, but.... YIKES!

Praying for some great rest and continued healing!

Hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates! Cyndi, your in my thoughts and prayers!
Love ya, Jenny