Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Update from Suzan (Cyndi's mom) while at Cyndi's bedside...

Cyndi Sue is in room 619 at U of C Hospital. They are controling her pain with the med's. Yesterday was a long one. I (Suzan, Cyndi's mom) have grown to not like the ER here very much (I had the pleasure of spending the night in there the night of Cyndi's surgery - it appears that I have worried myself sick. That makes me kind of mad at myself.) Ok, back to the ER - we are SOOO glad to be out of there, but honestly, were so thankful for the relief from the pain that they provided for Cyndi. Aidan is doing better. He's drinking pedialyte. He's sleeping in his stroller beside his mommy's bed right now.

20 minutes later...
The "Pain Team" (including the anaesthesiologist who did Cyndi's surgery) came in to examine and talk with Cyndi. It sounds like they they are now leaning toward her needing a "blood patch" to patch a leak that may have happened with the epidural. They have gone to consult with the cheif anaesthesiologist and will get back to us later. We feel like we finally have someone who is listening to her regarding the amount of pain she is in and that help is on the way. Thank You God.

15 minutes later...
Things are happening fast now... thank you again Father. The Anaesthesiologist came back. She has instructed Cyndi to drink all the caffine that she can for the next 24 hours as well as laying as flat as she can - as much as she can. They will keep her another night for sure and then we will see what happens tomorrow. Cyndi is sad and really needs to rest. The pain has kept her from resting for the most part. She just wants to go home. We love you and are thankful for your prayers.


Bri said...

We are praying for you Cindy... xxxxx hugs from GJ

Anonymous said...

Oh Friends! My whole family is praying. We are asking God to relieve Cyndi's pain and for all of you to be held tight by our Heavenly Father. Much Love to you each from Minnesota. xoxoxoxo Meg n' Marti and Lyn and Henry Hintermeister

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are still going! Praying for relief for Cyndi, strength for Jeff, and comfort for Aidan. How blessed you all are to have such a supportive family there to help you through! Blessings...