Thursday, October 23, 2008


We went down for the Palin rally on Monday! I felt so privileged to see her and be there with thousands and thousands of people that share the morals and values that we hold so dear! We made shirts: The kids said "Very Young Republican, I'm Not a Choice I'm a Child", ours said "Young Republican", our parents said "Not Quite as Young Republican" and our grandparents said "Young at Heart Republican". We are very passionate about our beliefs especially for the rights of the unborn children. Jeff read "Why I'm a Reagan Conservative" to Aidan when I was still pregnant!


Dad and Mom Williams said...

I'm not sure when I remember having that much fun! It was great to be with so many people sharing the same passion as we do. I loved getting to see and hear Sarah! And, what an honor to get to meet her (and Todd). She is so genine. I'm not all that happy about the weird picture of me that you posted here. Embarassing Cyndi Sue! Your Mom

Anonymous said...

You are AWESOME!! I'm quite jealous of your exciting adventure on Monday.