Thursday, February 12, 2009

New Cousin for Aidan Jeffrey!

Congratulations Hogstad's! We are so excited that Stacey Jo is 8 weeks pregnant, tomorrow. Her due date is September 25, 2009. Last week she went to the Dr and had an ultrasound, they were able to see and even hear the sweet little heartbeat. The baby looks healthy and everything is going well. Stacey is sick and really tired! I get to go to an ultrasound with them and Courtney on March 5, I am very excited!! We are looking forward to a new cousin and niece or nephew.

This is Stacey's third pregnancy in a year. She had two miscarriages. It was so sad and they have been very strong, Stacey has said many times that she has two baby's waiting for her in heaven.

Please pray for Nick, Stacey and their precious little one!


Ashley Beth said...

Praying for this new baby in your family! It sounds like she's about as far along as I am! A new cousin for Aidan would be exciting, huh?!

For some reason your blog disappeared from my blog links for a while and I just noticed it and got you back! Sorry I've missed your past few posts, I'll have to catch up on what's going on with you guys! I hope all is well.

Ashley Unverferth

lil said...

So glad another baby is on the horizon. I pray she carried this babe to fullterm!!
Just wanted to say I love the music you have on your blog. I minimize your site so I can listen to it while I'm checking other blogs!!
Hope you're enjoying life!!

Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

YEAH!! I am so excited! Keep us posted and tell stacey congrats. She will be an awesome fun mommy!

Janelle said...

They'll be in my prayers! Their "bean" is beautiful! I love ultrasound pics. :)